ERCA offers four types of Graduation Diplomas: General, College Prep, Honors, and Technical
ERCA also has a GED program to prepare students to take the General Educational Development high school equivalency test.
Graduation Requirements
General Graduating Requirements
English Language Arts 4 units
Mathematics 4 units
Science 3 units (1 unit of Physical Sciences & 1 unit of life sciences and one unit of advance study#)
Social Studies 3 units (1/2 unit of American history & ½ unit of Am. Government, & ½ unit in World History and Civilization)
Health ½ unit
Physical Education ½ unit
Electives 5 units * (For ERCA – Bible is considered an Elective)
Elective units must include one or any combination of world language, fine arts, business, career-technical education, family and consumer sciences, technology, agricultural education or English language arts, mathematics, science or social studies courses not otherwise required.
#Advance study in one or more of the following sciences: chemistry, physics or other physical science, advanced biology or other life science, astronomy, physical geology or other earth or space science.
*Bible is considered an elective and each student is required to take Bible each year of schooling if planning on graduating from ERCA.
NOTE: While not a state requirement for graduation, many four-year colleges and universities require a minimum of two years of sequential world language study at the secondary level as a college admissions requirement. This is the case for many in-state and out-or-state colleges and universities.
College Preparatory Graduating Requirements
The courses for College Prep include the same requirements as the General Graduation requirements with additional courses required.
To graduate with an College Preparatory degree the student must have taken 22 credits.
Mathematics – must include 4 units (Algebra I & II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, or other mathematics course) Electives 6 units *
Honors Graduating Requirements
The courses for Honors include the same requirements as the College Preparatory requirements with additional courses required. To graduate with an Honors degree the student must have taken 24 credits and a GPA of 3.5 or higher
Electives 7 units *
Technical Degree Requirements
The student must complete the courses for the General graduating requirements, however, mathematics and science requirements are slightly different that the General diploma. The student should have at least 4 credits in the technical area they are pursuing. Please call the school (330-925-5437) for determining eligibility and selecting electives for the desired Technical degree.
GED Program
The GED course includes four courses: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. These courses are designed to ensure successful students have the same subject area knowledge as high school graduates and covers such topics as algebra, reading comprehension, civics, government, history, geography, Earth science and life science. After the courses are completed there is a GED Prep Test for the students to evaluate their progress. Please call the school (330-925-5437) for determining eligibility.